I have just finished ordering more stuff for the shop. Market in Ohio was a hit for new products. Blue Sky Alpacas will be here soon. The Malabrigo yarns are flying off the shelves.
I have been hearing that summer is too hot to knit, but lately it seems that summer is too hot to do anything so the knitters are looking for something to do inside. That means knitting... Lace is a wonderful thing to do. Something so light and airy, just like a confection. Alot of our " cottage customers" are learning how to love lace.
I am still knitting on my February Lady, hard to think about a sweater in 102°, so I guess I know how the other comments got started. I have switched to a drop stitch scarf pattern from a great ribbon yarn from Great Adirondacks. I am also working on the Mable sweater from Heirloom Knits out of Bomull Sport from Gjestal. One of my granddaughters, I have three, will get it when it gets cool. My youngest daughter knows how to knit, but with work, school, and her daughter, she would rather let me do it. The other daughter just laughs when I mention knitting to her. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee says to leave the knitting laying around and one day they will be interested. Well, Teresa is well versed in knitting stuff laying around, but no takers yet from her. Maybe Stephanie could give me some pointers on this.
Our cottage suffered a blow yesterday. The big beautiful live oak tree next to our little group of shops fell victim to age. Part of it broke off and fell into the neighbors roof, or I should say, through his roof. No one was here at the time but his shop is closed for awhile. The rest of the tree now has to come down. It is rotted in the center. We will have to leave the building when they do this, so if you come by and see the tree being taken down and we aren't here, you will know why. No date for that yet. I love and respect trees, so I grieve for what time and mother nature has done to this fine tree.
Watch our website for the July calendar, it is full of great classes and some of them already full. There will be an e-mail coming your way soon with something you won't want to miss. We will also be open on Monday starting this next week. We were just hearing too many people wanted to come see us on Monday. The Yarn Cottage is all about fun and friends, so when you have a need, we will be here.
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